DFPO - Danske Fiskeres Producent Organisation

Nordensvej 3 Taulov , Denmark
Tel: +45 70 20 61 00
Fax: +45 70 20 61 01

Email: dfpo@dfpo.dk

Website: http://www.dfpo.dk

The main objective of the DFPO is to create a balance between supply and demand of the species to which minimum prices are applied. In order to meet with this target, the DFPO is obliged to establish fishing plans for its members, which in practice is done in close cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries as well as the above mentioned Danish Fishermen’s Association. Another possibility is to withdraw fish from the market in case the landings are unable to obtain offers at the level of the withdrawal price. Upon official recognition the DFPO had 1.061 members, consisting of both vessel owners and crew members. By the end of 1986, as the number of members had reached approximately 3.300, the statutes were changed, so that membership only included individuals and companies who: "as an owner of a registered vessel, or of another gainfully employed fishing operation, lands species in the minimum price scheme". As per January 2000 the number of members in the DFPO is approximately 2.100 owners of vessels or of fishing operations - corresponding to about 70 % of the total Danish fishing capacity.
