Frigo Logistics Sp. z o.o.

ul. Fabryczna 4 Znin , Poland
Tel: +48 52 303 3600
Fax: +48 52 303 4702



Frigo Logistics Ltd. with the seat in Znin nearby Bydgoszcz is a modern temperature--controlled logistics company for frozen products. The company is a leading logistics operator of frozen foods in Poland. It possesses high-storage coldstores in the temperature -23/-24°C in Znin and Radomsko.  The company was established in 2001. Three years later it was taken over by Nichirei Holding Holland B.V. with the headquarters in Rotterdam which is a part of Japanese Nichirei Corporation with the seat in Tokyo. Nichirei Corporation is a top company in Japan that specializes in temperature-controlled logistics of foods. Moreover, the organization is among the best companies in the temperature-controlled business in the world. We operate according to the Integrated Managment System: ISO 9001, HACCP, IFS Logistic Standard and BRC Global Standard – Storage & Distribution.
