Mar De Bosco

Travesía del Príncipe, 2 – 4º, of.5 Vigo , Spain
Tel: +34 986 224 417



The company Bosco Seleccion under the brand Mar De Bosco is located in Vigo. It is a place of Atlantic strategic, it has the greater fishing port of Europe . ( fresh and frozen fish). It receives products of the sea in the whole parts of the world. It is one of the bigger points of international trade. Today, Mar De Bosco is one of the representative company of export, who realize sale and distribution products of the sea everywhere.  The geographic situation offers a lot of possibilities for us, always to have fresh and frozen products of high quality. Fish, seafood products, canned foods, and raw material for transformation later.  All the products are fishing and cultivated in the regions of free contamination, developed in natural means, under the control of quality in all stage of production. The sale began for consumer from it.  The fishing boats , which work with our company have modern and effective equipment. Our products are of a high quality. They satisfies standard of the market and arrive for consumer in the best possible form.  Mar De Bosco offers a lot of great products for Horeca ( hotel, restaurant, catering), sale in specialized stores, and companies of sale to by greater and supermarkets.
