Akua-Group is an internationaly recognized fishery group. A bluefin tuna farming entity well known in the fishing world, as a serious buyer and supplier with 1800 ton catch and 2700 ton harvest capacity. The ultimate fishing group from Turkey, the country engulfed by the seas on three sides.
The catch made in the lukewarm waters of the Mediterranean for 2.5 months during May 1 st and July 15th, is fed upto the satisfaction of the customers for fat content and taste, with sardines, herring and mackerel, purchased from the reliable companies of Europe (Marine Foods bv, Parlevliet & Van der Plas, Evimare Fish) and USA (Northern Pelagic Group LLC) in the Akua-Group farm, located in the cool and clean waters of the Aegean sea. Akua-Group definitely do not use any artificial feed for fattening. The farm, location being off-shore and having a mild current of 0.7 miles, do not cause any environmental pollution.
The most preferable rawfish, used in sushi and sashimi, the leading dishes of the classical Japanese kitchen, is bluefin tuna (Kuro Maguro or Hon Maguro). Recently the Japanese consumer distinguishes his Maguro choice by a certain brand name. It is not the quality only that makes "Akua-Maguro" distinguishable; but as well the unique support of our Japanese customers, Sojitz Corp., Try Inc., IBC Corp., Tokyo Seafoods Ltd., Marubeni Corp. and Marukoh Fisheries Co.Ltd.