CSA Catering

K letisti 160 08 Praha , Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 281 033
Fax: +420 220 561 761

Email: mailbox.ctg@csa.cz

Website: http://www.czechairlines.com/en/catering/catering_home.htm

CSA Catering prepares refreshments not only for CSA flights but also for twelve airlines operating to the Czech Republic. CSA Catering's production building can be found near Prague-Ruzyne Airport. The current technical equipment and layout of CSA Catering is at a very high European standard. A computer is used to record the important phases of the manufacturing process, liquid nitrogen is used to cool hot meals, and the entire process of cooling completed hot meals is also computer- monitored. So - called "convectomat" machines are used in the preparation of hot dishes. They can prepare meat - based dishes according to pre-set parameters, and consistently do so while keeping the same quality. This machine carefully monitors the preparation process and informs staff that the meat is ready to serve. Hygienic conditions at CSA Catering comply with all EU requirements. All production premises are air-conditioned and are also cooled at a temperature of around 15°C. Additionally, the Hazardous Critical Control Points (HACCP) system was introduced to ensure easier observance of hygienic regulations.
