Atlantik Fisch

Grosse Elbstrasse 139 Hamburg , Germany
Tel: +49 (0)40 39 11 23
Fax: +49 (0)40 390 62 15



Hamburger Versand für lebende, frische, tiefgekühlte Meeresspezialitäten. Lieferung and an Spitzengastronomie, Handel, Privat supergünstig. ------ Shipping from Hamburg, fresh, frozen or live seafood. Supplier extremely inexpensive to the best restaurants and the private markets. Atlantik Fisch is a shop with diner located in the Große Elbstraße directly at the harbor. And guess what you get there: everything the ocean has to give. From oysters, gambas, crabs to diverse shells and fishes – you will find everything. Visit there if you like high quality seafood or need something really special, you will find it here. Or just enjoy the harbor atmosphere and have a salmon sandwich – as you like.
