Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders’ Alliance

, United States of America


The Alliance works for stewardship. Many people who contributed to creating the Alliance also played a key role in the design and implementation of the red snapper IFQ program. With this success, commercial fishermen learned that the industry itself can and should drive positive change in fisheries. With that in mind, the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholder’s Alliance was created in 2008 as a 501 (c)(6), non-profit trade association to represent the interests of fishermen and fish dealers participating in IFQ fisheries in the Gulf. The Alliance’s mission reflects its commitment to stewardship. It is working to unify and strengthen the reef fish industry. Results so far: Efforts include sustainability and accountability using IFQs to manage the catch. Members in turn do their part by striving to conserve fish, reduce bycatch, protect the marine environment, improve safety and enhance economic value. Members are working with buyers and distributors to give consumers year-round access to high-quality, sustainable seafood.
