Harengus S.A.

Esmeralda 1320 4ª A Capital Federal , Argentina
Tel: +54 11 4326 3362
Fax: +54 11 4326 4117

Email: ventas@harengus.com

Website: http://www.harengus.com

Harengus S.A. is a fishing company established in 1978 with the purpose of catching, processing and commercializing. Harengus fishing fleet is formed by seven shrimpers and four high sea vessels for fish and squid. Its headquarters are in Puerto Madryn (Chubut province), where it owns a frozen and fresh fish processing plant which reprocesses part of the high sea catch and produces the “La Caleta” line of canned fish. It also has its own fish meal factory in order to make use of remainders, a fishing net and maintenance workshop
