SOS - Sustainable Ocean Summit 2017

Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, 1919 Upper Water St, Halifax , Canada
Tel: +1 902-421-1700



Since 2010, the SOS has been the unique gathering of the world’s ocean industries focused on the sustainable development, science and stewardship of the global ocean. The SOS 2017 will: – Focus on ocean business community leadership in achieving the U.N. “Ocean” Sustainable Development Goal – SDG 14. – Develop business growth and investment opportunities in ocean sustainable development. – Ensure continuity and follow through with the themes, discussions, and outputs previous SOS events. – Build on the results and momentum of the U.N. Ocean/SDG 14 Conference (June 2017) and other ocean events of 2017 by bringing these to the unique convening of the global ocean business community that the SOS provides. The SOS 2017 theme recognizes: – The growth of the Ocean Economy and its contribution to the food, energy, transport, communications and other needs of society as part of the U.N. SDG process/Agenda 2030. – The role of the Ocean Business Community over the next 15 years, and beyond, in ensuring ocean sustainable development.
