ABP Food Group

14 Castle Street Ardee , Ireland
Tel: +353 (0)41 6850200
Fax: +353 (0)41 6850262

Email: info@abpfoodgroup.com

Website: https://abpfoodgroup.com/

Website: https://www.youtube.com/user/abpfoodgroup

ABP Food Group works with a network of over 35,000 farmers and is renowned for paying its suppliers on the day of delivery at strategically located local abattoirs that minimise animal transport distances. ABP Food Group contributes an estimated €1.3bn each year into the rural economies in which it operates. We recognise that the farmers who supply meat to us are vital partners in ensuring that the quality of our product is maintained and traceability is ensured. Our core business – ABP Beef – is supported by its renewable, pet food and protein divisions, which combine to ensure the value of by-products is maximized and the environmental impact of our business and customers is minimized.    
