EAFP - European Association of Fish Pathologists

Bülowsvej 27 København V , Denmark

Email: loma@vet.dtu.dk

Website: http://eafp.org

The objectives of the Association were defined as the promotion of the exchange of knowledge on, and assistance in the co-ordination of research related to fish and shellfish pathology.  Since 1982, growth in membership has continued, with more and more countries requesting their own Branch of the EAFP. By 1990 the total membership had climbed above 800 with members in 43 countries with an established total of 39 Branches, making the EAFP undoubtedly the largest and most international of the 4 major associations in the field of fish and shellfish pathology. In 1995 membership finally reached and then exceeded the long aimed-for target of 1,000 with members from 57 countries. In 1992 the support of the Commission of the European Community was obtained in the form of an award of financial support to fund the distribution costs of the Bulletin for 3 years
