AP2HI - Asosiasi Perikanan Pole & Line dan Handline Indonesia

Gondangdia Lama 25 Building Jl. RP. Soeroso No. 25, Annex 2 Jakarta , Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 -3193 5222

Email: info@ap2hi.org

Website: http://www.ap2hi.org

Website: https://facebook.com/ap2hi

Website: https://twitter.com/AP2HI_

Indonesian Pole & Line and Handline Fisheries Association (AP2HI) is founded on the needs of the pole & line and handline industry players to unite their aspiration in a legal organization. It  was formally established in 2012 in the International Coastal Tuna Business Forum (ICTBF).  As one of the largest global tuna suppliers, pole & line and handline industry in Indonesia has helped supporting the coastal communities to earn their living. Our vision is to achieve sustainable fishery business (sustainable fisheries). AP2HI membership ranges in all tuna processing chain in Indonesia, both from fishermen and fishing companies to the processing industry. Our efforts in supporting sustainable fishery are done by actively innovating the industry to keep improving on its efficiency so as to meet the demand and regulations in the international market. We also encourage the use of natural resources owned by Indonesia in a fair, transparent, and sustainable way. AP2HI was formally inaugurated in 2014 in the event of the 3rd International Coastal Tuna Business Forum (ICTBF) held in Jakarta. 
