Tony’s Trading Enterprises

PO BOX 1389 Milnerton , South Africa
Tel: +27 (21) 552 2777
Fax: +27 (21) 552 1559



Tony’s Trading Enterprises, International Merchant Traders based in Cape Town, South Africa have been specialist importers of dry salted fish since 1998. For the past 10 years Tony’s Trading Enterprises have supplied all parts of the world with Norway’s favourite seafood export, Bacalhau. Bacalhau has been produced for at least 500 years, since the time of the European discoveries. Before refrigeration, there was a need to preserve the codfish; drying and salting are ancient techniques to keep many nutrients and the process makes the codfish tastier.Dried Salted fish is produced from Cod, Ling, Tusk and Saithe. Commonly known as "Bacalhau".
