Passmore Ranch had humble beginning in 2005 with a single pond filled with fingerlings. It has grown substantially over the years by adding ponds and increasing the types of fish. Passmore Ranch is harvesting more than 100,000 pounds of fish each year, with hopes of tripling that number in the next few years.
If you're in the mood for fresh fish but don't feel like making the drive to the beach, stop by the Sacramento Farmer's Market and check out the fish from Passmore Ranch. Just remember you buy the whole fish. Laws prohibit Passmore from fileting the fish for you, but they'll be more than willing to give you a quick lesson. And get there early if you want first choice. Local restaurants, as well as a few from San Francisco have discovered the fresh fish too.
White Sturgeon
Black Bass
Channel Catfish
Silver Carp
Rainbow Trout
Striped Bass