SFF - Sea First Foundation vzw

Postbus 12 Duffel , Belgium
Tel: +32 496 89 67 08

Email: judithwouters@seafirst.eu

Website: http://www.seafirstfoundation.org

Website: https://www.youtube.com/seafirstfoundation

The Sea First Foundation (SFF) informs and educates the general public and children in particular about the importance an threats of the Ocean and its vulnerable inhabitants.By creating awareness SFF tries to reduce or (preferrably) stop the detrimental human influence on the Oceans and all the life, underwater and topside (like seabirds). SFF is founded by people who were, each in their own way, involved in the Ocean, through work, training, hobby or any other way. SFF has no profit intention.Oceans absorb more than 50% of all (man made) carbon dioxide and produce more than 70% of all the oxygen that we breath. Many people that live on the Oceans shores are dependant for their income and livelihood on what the Ocean produces. SFF wants to achieve, by education and sharing of information to:Stop polluting the OceansReduce Climate ChangeImprove animal well being (fish and other sea animals welfare)Stop overfishing and destructive fisheriesUse the World wide subsidies of 22 billion Euro for schooling fishermen and other fish industry related professionals to create new jobs in innovative industries, like algae farming Offer alternative sources of food to substitute fish from the menu
