Les Exquises

C/ Marqués de Valladares, nº 21, 2º Vigo , Spain
Tel: +34 986 43 84 29 / 4
Fax: +34 986 22 09 87

Email: curbera@conservasdelatlantico.com

Website: http://www.conservasdelatlantico.com

Website: http://www.lesexquises.com

"Conservative ATLANTIC SL", as heirs of such a prestigious brand and loaded with so much history, we have decided to be faithful to traditional quality assurance that the emblem "CURBERA" has always represented, selling only the finest seafood With the maximum guarantees of control in their manufacturing process. The end result we are getting with our canned distinguished marked "Exquis" products of the highest range in the industry. Without a doubt we guarantee our exports to several countries in Europe and the demanding U.S. market, and other places in Latin America, where our brand is remembered with exceptional care for the entire family of Spanish immigrants who have always preferred our preserves.
