Norsk Fiskeoppdrett AS

Norsk Fiskeoppdrett (= Norwegian Fish Farming) was founded in 1976 by Olav Hanssen, the first editor. He got the idea while he was working as a consultant at the Directorate of Fisheries in Bergen, Norway. He was responsible for information towards the fish farming pioneers. Since then Norsk Fiskeoppdrett has been one of the most important publishers of news and scientific based articles in the Norwegian aquaculture business.  During the last 20 years, approximately 1000 articles have been published in Norsk Fiskeoppdrett each year. The magasin is published monthly with 2-3 extra issues per year. Norsk Fiskeoppdrett is available exclusively through subscription.  Norsk Fiskeoppdretts own web site was initially published in 1997. In 2000 the web site was redesigned and renamed as (kyst=coast). Since then has had a very positive development. Now it is recognized as one of the leading fishfarming news sites in Norway. The entire amount of articles from Norsk Fiskeoppdrett from 1976 to date, are available through our database on FishfarmingXpert  Target groups: site staff, site managers and managers. Value chain (focus): hatchery, smolt farming, cage-based growth, processing and marketing. Species focus: salmonids, other cold water species such as cod, halibut and turbot, and also species like sea bass and sea bream. 
