IncoPack NV - Group Headquarters

Siemenslaan 21 Dilsen , Belgium
Tel: +32 89-790970
Fax: +32 89-754434



The N.V. INCOPACK company was created in 1988 to produce UHT-aerosol cream.  Aerosol cream, with a volume of 14.000 tons per year, is still a very important part of total activity. Full capacity of this specialised unit is over 20.000 tons.  Afterwards, Incopack has invested in specific production capacity for fresh and sterile (UHT) milkrice puddings in individual cups (total capacity about 20.000 tons – see product group 3) and in 2004 in a first capacity for producing drinkyoghurts (total capacity about 12.000 tons.  These production units are audited on a regular base by the important clients (brands and supermarket companies from all over Europe and abroad) and of course are IFS and BRC certified.  In the meantime, Incopack has also expanded with two daughter companies: N.V. ALL FREEZ and N.V. EURODESSERTS (see specific page on this site).  Total group turnover is about 75 million Euros and production capacitites are sufficient to grow to 125 million Euros.
