Pescaviva - Comércio e Indústria de Pescado S.A.

Mercado Abastecedor da Região de Lisboa, Pav.R04 Box 157/158/159/160, Lugar do Quintanilho S. Julião do Tojal , Portugal
Tel: +351 219 927 780
Fax: +351 219 927 789



Pescaviva, Comércio e Indústria de Pescado (Fresh Fish Commerce and Industry), S.A., has as its main activity the exportation of fresh fish which is based on the vast market experience and knowledge that we have acquired over the last 25 years. In 2008 we surpassed our sales expectations with 2,900 tons by exporting to nearly 35 countries in Europe and North America. We currently occupy the 1st place ranking of fresh fish exporting companies in Portugal. We maintain a very selective policy with our suppliers, which includes all of the national fish product markets (in the continent and islands), permitting us to control and obtain the best raw material from its origins. We also sell an extensive variety of species in order to satisfy the necessities of our clients.
