SkeenaWild Conservation Trust

4505 Greig Avenue, Terrace , Canada
Tel: +1 (250) 638-0998



SkeenaWild Conservation Trust was started in the fall of 2007. We are a regional conservation initiative whose goal is to make the Skeena River watershed and nearby coastal communities a global model of ecologic and economic sustainability. We are governed by a group of seven volunteer trustees drawn from a variety of backgrounds. SkeenaWild utilizes the following strategies to realize its goals: Catalysing and supporting planning processes which advocate for ecologic, economic and social sustainability and resiliency. Building a Skeena watershed regional identity through direct public outreach activities and a variety of media. Attracting and providing resources to build the new salmon economy. Facilitating dialogue among residents of the watershed, First Nations and specific interest groups such as commercial and recreational fishers, municipal leaders and resource managers. Conducting and sponsoring research into relevant ecological, economic and social issues.
