Nordland Havfiske AS

Buøyveien 7 Stamsund , Norway
Tel: +47 76 05 52 00
Fax: +47 76 05 52 01



Nordland Havfiske AS is composed by former Havfisk AS in Melbu, Norway and Lofoten Trålerrederi AS in Stamsund, Norway. The companies were merged together in 2006 and were renamed into Nordland Havfiske AS. Today, the shipping company owns and operates five trawlers; four of these are freezer trawlers and one fresh fish trawler. The shipping company owns 12 cod licences and three of its trawlers have shrimp licences. Operating revenue in the company in 2010 was approximately NOK 313 million and there were approximately 163 employees.  Havfisk AS was purchased by former Norway Seafoods AS, now Aker Seafoods ASA, in 1996. Havfisk AS was established in 1953 and was owned by Melbu Fiskeindustri from 1980-1996. Lofoten Trålerrederi AS was established in 1962 by several local industrial companies with Aker Seafoods J.M. Johnansen AS as the dominant investor, all townships in Lofoten with the exception of Værøy and Røst, in addition to other main investors. Aker Seafoods invested NOK 25 million in a new and modern quay structure with a new terminal in Stamsund for handling of raw material with a cooling warehouse and other facilities to service the fleet. The new quay structure was opened in 2001.
