SPRL - Polish Trout Breeders Association - Stowarzyszenie Producentów Ryb Lososiowatych

Aleja Wolnosci 30/105 Lebork, , Poland
Tel: +48 59 862 27 27

Email: biuro@sprl.pl

Website: http://www.sprl.pl

Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kcI1bMnINk&list=UUJv57uC_lOtD7Kv1RpV6S9w&index=3&feature=plcp

SPRL stands for Polish Trout Breeders Association, which was registered at the end of 2007. At present, PTBA unites more than one hundred members. Nearly 100% share in total Polish trout production belongs to PTBA. The Association represents its branch of business in national and international institutions and organizations. PTBA belongs to FEAP (Federation of European Aquaculture Producers) and participates in governmental and European law consultation. All people and institutions that are interested in trout breeding are invited to cooperation.
