Texchem Corporation Sdn Bhd - Venture Division

Level 18, Menara P.S.C.I. 39, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah Penang , Malaysia
Tel: +60 4229 6000
Fax: +60 4229 5068
Fax: +60 4229 1424
Fax: +60 4227 8076

Email: trb@texchemgroup.com

Email: hijioka@texchemfood.com

Email: texcorppg@texchemcorp.com

Website: http://www.trbgroup.com

Website: http://www.texchemgroup.com/business/texchem-food.php

Website: http://www.texchemgroup.com/business/texchem-corp.php

Since 1980, Texchem Corporation Sdn Bhd's venture capital and business incubation activities have successfully led the Group's dynamic expansion. Today, the Texchem group has become a conglomerate of 38 companies with diverse businesses in Malaysia and across ASEAN with its flagship company Texchem Resources Bhd listed on the main board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. As the Group's management services and property management arm, Texchem Corporation provides corporate planning and support services including human resource, IT consultancy and property management services. Financial management and mergers and acquisitions activities are also provided. Staffed by specialist professionals, the company helps to ensure high standards of corporate governance throughout the Group. Our management information system enables the Group to respond fast to rapidly changing economic and business conditions, while the latest technology facilitates realtime data management and communications throughout the Group.
