Ortac Oyster System - Abblox

Le Catillon, St.Martin , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1534 859087

Website: http://www.abblox.com

Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReHj9hKqaTo

Abblox is a business that has evolved from some of the most innovative companies in European shellfish aquaculture. Linked by the outcomes of FP7 Research Project SUDEVAB (2008-2011), Sylvain Huchette of France Haliotis and Tony Legg of Jersey Sea Farms have combined to make the highly successful research available to all shellfish farmers in the form of practical and usable products. Abblox can help at every level of shellfish aquaculture from sustainably high performing stock,through technologically advanced equipment to product marketing. Ortac is the original and the best oyster farming cylinder system. It is a purposely molded unit that is built in two halves that clip together onto a trestle to make one unit. It was developed to have a unique forced up welling flow system that mirrors low farming densities but within a small container.
