TECNOPOOL S.p.A. - Food Processing Equipment

Via Buonarroti, 81 San Giorgio in Bosco , Italia
Tel: +39 (0)49 9453111
Fax: +39 (0)49 9453100

Email: info@tecnopool.it

Website: http://www.tecnopool.it

Spawned by a group founded over thirty years ago, Tecnopool has continued to grow its reputation in the food processing equipment business since it started out in 1980. In these years of intense business, Tecnopool has fine-tuned reliable, versatile, effective, technologically advanced, high-output systems designed to:  handle  cool  deep-freeze  prove  pasteurize  age  heat The systems' versatility means they can be retrofitted to existing production lines. Given their remarkable flexibility, modifications can be made later to adapt them to new or changed production requirements without having to make hefty additional investments.
