Kaija - Karavela Ltd.

Atlantijas 15 Riga , Latvia
Tel: +371 6749 6400
Fax: +371 6749 6401
Tel: 37167496400

Email: kaija@kaija.lv

Website: http://www.kaija.lv

Website: www.sorensen.lv

Founded in 1882 the company was privatized in 1995  and in 2002 the cannery was purchased by KARAVELA, Ltd. at present continuing the traditions of Arnolds Serencens first ower of the company. It is possible to say with confidence that the brand „KAIJA” is one of the most recognizable trademarks in the Baltic States and the CIS. At present “Karavela”, Ltd. is one of the largest fish processing factories in the Baltic States. The Company is generally specialized in the fish products made from Atlantic fish species in different packing. Currently the Company produces canned fish and fillet and in the nearest future there will be certified the cookery department, which enables our customers to receive a greater variety of fish products. The results of sales for 2005 witness rapid development of the Company, where the Company turnover achieved almost EUR 400 thousand. The number of working for the Company achieved 200 people. The Certificate complies with all conformity certificates allowing export products to the EU member-states. At present the Company is operating on more than 20 export markets.
