Quality Partner s.a.

ue Hayeneux 62 Herstal , Belgium
Tel: +32 (0) 4 240 75 00
Fax: +32 (0) 4 240 75 10

Email: inspection@quality-partner.be

Website: http://www.quality-partner.be

Since its creation it has enjoyed 2-digit annual growth, and now possesses more than 1,250 active customers in the agri-food sector at the levels of primary production (animal and vegetable), transformation, and food distribution. The company originally concentrated on products of animal origin, but has now extended its field of expertise to all other food product categories (dietary supplements, prepared meals, vegetables, dairy products, bakery products etc.). Each year, the company visits more than 2,500 sites (over 1,500 at primary production level, over 150 in transformation (B to B) and over 1,000 at the level of final distribution to the consumer (shops, the food service industry, catering) to carry out inspections or certification, and more than 4,000 audits. The “Laboratories” department performs approx. 150,000 analysis per year. These figures refer to Belgium, but are also relevant to the French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Luxembourg and Polish markets since Quality Partner is already operational internationally. Market prospects, bolstered by our high reputation in the sector, suggest very strong future growth.
