UNAB -Universidad Andrés Bello-

Republica 440 2do Piso Santiago , Chile
Tel: +56 2 661 8000?

Email: info@unab.cl

Website: http://www.unab.cl

Website: https://www.facebook.com/unab.cl

Website: https://www.youtube.com/unabtv

Being a college that offers, to those who aspire to progress, an inclusive educational experience and excellence for a global world, based on the critical culture of learning and the systematic generation of new knowledge in selected areas. The Andrés Bello University, today, is a modern university that embodies the best traditions of the West that has been built as of right to the elite of the great universities in Chile, by way of pursuing excellence, the greater completeness of the areas of knowledge, graduate education and scientific research complex on a permanent basis, making legitimate daily motto: Tradition.
