Lofitorsk AS

Strandvegen 106, Tromsø , Norway
Tel: +47 76 08 51 99
Fax: +47 76 08 64 25

Email: lofilab@lofilab.no

Website: http://www.lofilab.no

Website: http://www.lofitorsk.no

Lofitorsk AS holds a unique consept, regarding our solid bakcground and activities in the field of breeding fish, controlling the entire production chain, from brood stock, and fry, to juvenile and grower cod. Today, the access to marine fish of quality standard is a bottleneck. This precedence puts Lofitorsk AS at the forefront.... ---------------------------- Lofitorsk on 17 June 2010 filed for bankruptcy Lofitorsk is the parent company of Lofilab, producer of seedlings cod in Lofoten, and Storfjord Torsk, cod Farmer in Storfjord (Troms region). Last year the group had tried unsuccessfully to acquire new capital, says chairman Steinar Eliassen. Lofitorsk had to deal with biological problems, especially with diseases and variable rate of fish production.
