7th Pacific Tuna Forum Exposition

The Stanley Hotel & Suites, Lot 8 & 9 Section 515, Sir John Guise Drive, WaiganI NCD Port Moresby , Papua New Guinea
Tel: 60380668112
Tel: +66 603 8064 9169
Tel: +675 380 668 112
Tel: +60 (603) 8064 9301
Fax: +60 (603) 8060 3697
Tel: +675 8066 8112
Fax: +675 8060 3697
Tel: +675 309 0444
Fax: +675 320 2061

Email: info@infofish.org

Website: http://www.infofish.org

Website: http://infofish.org/v2/index.php/tuna-2016

Website: https://pacificseafoodexpo.com/

Website: http://www.mise2014.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/mise2014

Website: http://v3.infofish.org/index.php/pacific-tuna-forum-2019

Website: www.infofish.org

The international tuna supply chain is heavily dependent on catches from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO), which contributes almost 60% of the global harvest of tuna species. The Pacific region is thus at the heart of the industry, making the biannual Pacific Tuna Forum the best platform for all stakeholders to keep abreast of the latest management and sustainability initiatives, and to be informed of investment opportunities in the region. the 7th Pacific Tuna Forum will take place at Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 11-13 September 2019.
