BAU - Bangladesh Agricultural University – Faculty of Fisheries

BAU Mymensingh , Bangladesh
Tel: +880 91 67401-06
Fax: +880 91 61510



BAU (Bangladesh Agricultural University) is the leading University in Agricultural Education, Research and Development in Bangladesh. Since country’s independence in 1971, it has gained considerable experience in research and development (R&D) through collaboration with a number ofl international and national donor agencies/organizations including, DFID, IRRI, CIRDAP, DANIDA, IAEA, European Union, USDA and IFS through different bilateral and multilateral research projects in diverse fields of agriculture. In the field of Fisheries and Aquaculture, it plays principal and leading rule in R&D in collaboration with a wide range of local and international stakeholders. Currently, BAU is undertaking a large number of partnership programmes in R&D with DoF (Department of Fisheries of the Government of Bangladesh), BFRI (Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute), BFDC (Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation), NGOs, private sectors and others departments involved and committed to fisheries and aquatic resources development. Internationally, a number of donor assisted collaborative research projects have been implemented receiving funding supports from DFID, EU, USAID, and NORAD.
