KTS - Korea Tourist Supply Center Inc.

255-5, Neung-Dong, Kwangjin-Gu Seoul , Korea, Republic of
Tel: +82 2 2204 5900
Fax: +82 02-452-7292
Fax: +82 2 454 5334

Email: rajinta@ktsc.co.kr

Website: http://www.ktsc.co.kr/eng/index.asp

Website: http://www.kts.co.kr

KOREA TOURIST SUPPLY CENTER INC.(KTS) establish on Feb. 16, 1978. Objetive is to import excellent, high-graded and standardized foreign-made food materials, instruments and materials of an international standard at an affordable price to supply necessary quantity quickly and timely thereby To increase (oversea) tourists' attraction through high quality food & beverage presentation. To strive hotel management rationalization by saving the basic cost through the unified channel of small-quantity, multi-sorts, low-cost, in hygiene supply and elevating international competitiveness of the hospitality industry.
