Agrosud S.A.

Suipacha 1111 ,16º floor Cap.Fed. , Argentina
Tel: +54 11 4312-8980
Fax: +54 11 4311-8371



Agrosud started business in 1960, representing European buyers of oilseed by-products and vegetable oils.  Later on, Agrosud became an independent brokerage house active in the international market of grains, oils and oilseed by-products. In 1993, Agrosud established a joint-venture with a renowned Agronomic Engineering firm creating NEGOCIOS DE GRANOS S.A. Today, this company operates as broker in the grains physical market and in the Futures Market, and manages investment funds in association with large agricultural producers. In 1995, thanks to Agrosud's excellent relations and renown across the world and the market, the New Businesses Development Division was created. This division operates with a wide variety of food products in more than 50 countries. In 1997, this division also began operating with rubber, latex and other non-food products. Throughout the years, Agrosud has experienced a steady growth and achieved a sound commercial structure. At present, a team of about forty brokers working in different departments is devoted to promoting the exportation of various products from Argentina and its neighbouring countries, as well as the importation of agricultural and manufactured products from different origins into Latin America.
