SSI - Scottish Seafood Investments

, United Kingdom

Scottish Salmon Co Ltd announced that it has formed a joint venture with Northern Link Ltd under the name of Scottish Seafood Investments Ltd, which will subsequently invest into companies engaged in the value-added processing of seafood in the United Kingdom. Scottish Seafood Investments Ltd is to be financed in 33% by the Company and in 67% by Northern Link Ltd. The Company is also in the final stages of negotiations to make an investment into Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL). Scottish Seafood Investments Ltd's initial investment in ASL would be GBP 0.6 million, giving Scottish Seafood Investments Ltd an initial ownership of 50 % of the ordinary shares in ASL. The joint venture will enable the Company to accelerate its growth in the seafood value-added processing in the United Kingdom and to expand its farm-to-customer value chain. Northern Link Ltd's role in Scottish Seafood Investments Ltd will be as financing partner, taking on the majority of the investment risk while the business is developing. Once ASL completes the creation of a seafood value-added processing business, the Company will have the opportunity to fully integrate the business into its own operations. 
