CEPPT - Cluster de Empresas Pesqueras en Países Terceros

C/ Alcántara nº 35-1º E Madrid , Spain
Tel: +34 913 096 557
Fax: +34 913 095 324

Email: cluster@clusterdepesca.com

Website: http://www.clusterdepesca.es

Cluster de Empresas Pesqueras en Países Terceros (CEPPT) is a group of associations which gives voice to companies having invested in non-Community countries. The General Secretariat of the Sea, attached to the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Area of the Government of Spain, participates as a sponsor member. The Cluster comprises 220 companies and their 460 fishing vessels and catches annually around 500,000 tonnes. It generates direct employment for more than 17.000 people and operates in about thirty countries. CEPPT also participates in the training of sailors in third countries to help them improve their qualification and increase their chances to be employed in the ships of associated and national companies through the conclusion of agreements.
