Bimp-East Asean Growth Area Business Council (BIMP-EAGA BC)

88400 Kota Kinabalu Sabah , Malaysia
Tel: +60 88 311 180
Fax: +60 88 311 181



The BIMP-EAST ASEAN GROWTH AREA BUSINESS COUNCIL (BIMP-EAGA BC) is the official representative of the private sector of the BIMP-East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA). It brings directly to the attention of the BIMP Governments the concerns and views of the BIMP-EAGA private sector. This is made possible because BIMP-EAGA BC was officially accorded "fifth-country" status at the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) of BIMP-EAGA. The BIMP-EAGA BC was born 19 November 1994 in Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines through Resolution No. 1 of the First East ASEAN Business Convention & Exhibits. The concept was for a private sector organization to catalyze the private sector of EAGA into undertaking economic cooperation activities in the region, and play a lead role in the region's economic development.
