Poseidon Seafood SA

Los Guindos 6050 Santiago , Chile
Tel: +56 022 271 737

Email: contacto@poseidonseafood.cl

Website: http://poseidonseafood.cl

Marcos Dario Mattisine Alvear, owner of the company has vast experience in the capture, collection and production of frozen seafood. His work at sea began at an early age with his father, who was the son of a Danish fisherman who lived in Chile. Marcos has been at sea diver Shellfish, fish hook, trot, trawling and other fishing techniques, fishing boat pattern, manufacturer and other occupations of fishing category. During 20 years with his wife and family, have worked in this field , in supplying frozen seafood demanding markets like the U.S., Canada and Asian countries. Poseidon Seafood guarantees its customers that its products are subject to stringent health checks to preserve freshness and all high quality specifications. All our products bear the hallmark of Sernapesca in Chile. The success of our company is based on the quality of the raw material and strict sanitary control. 
