C-AID Consultants

Darwin , Australia
Tel: +61 8 89270817

Email: info@c-aid.com.au

Website: http://www.c-aid.com.au

C-AID Consultants has a broad range of technical skills and expertise and can provide advice on a wide range of projects, including those relating to: Fisheries policy, planning, legislation and management Coastal management and small scale environmental assessment associated with fisheries and aquaculture Project design, monitoring and evaluation Problem solving and facilitation Fisheries processing, marketing and trade Planning and development to meet industry or organisational goals Human resource development and training Capacity building. C-AID Consultants collaborates with a select group of experts to meet workload demands, especially if skills diversity is required. C-AID Consultants also maintains close links with Industry, legislators, other consultants and research organisations, so you may find it useful to contact us for information about any other planned or potential projects you may be considering.
