Blattmann Delikatessen GmbH

Industriestrasse 11, Hendschiken , Switzerland
Tel: +41 062 892 47 47
Fax: +41 062 892 47 48



We are a family business and want to stay that way. Blattmann Trading was founded in 1987 as a sole proprietorship by Robert Blattmann and in 2002 by Brigitte Blattmann into a limited company. The following year the son Marc Blattmann joined the company. After 20 successful years the time has come to refocus. Brigitte Blattmann has as of 1 July 2007 indicate the area catering to Marc leaf man the famous Loch Fyne products new to the Hugo Dubno AG care, Hendschiken, and there are probably responsible for the whole fish and shellfish assortment is. Following the business transfer, we have under the new name "Blattmann Delicatessen GmbH" dedicated to providing our retail and corporate customers who like the "particular". This area had the blade's always been of great importance. Our products have long been well established and very popular. Our focus continues to be on the ever popular Scottish smoked salmon from the traditional company LOCH FYNE. 
