Rue de Tréves, 61 Brussels , Belgium
Tel: +32 2720 2722




CODE-EFABAR®, the commitment to responsible farm animal breeding, has developed over a number of years from a series of European Commission funded projects*. The projects involved a wide range of stakeholders and scientists, including animal breeders, bioethicists, welfare experts, economists, lawyers and consumers. The projects helped to define sustainability and those areas where ‘breeding can make a difference´.  Code-EFABAR was launched in March 2006. It is executed and safeguarded by the European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB). The Code has been revised and updated every three years. The latest update is for 2014-2016. Code-EFABAR is designed to provide breeding organisations with a practical guide to help achieve sustainable and balanced farm animal breeding whilst delivering improved transparency for wider society. Code-EFABAR® aims to contribute to increased transparency in the food production chain, building understanding and the dialogue that is part of this process. Objectives The main objectives of Code-EFABAR® are:  To be the standard instrument for defining and maintaining good practices for farm animal breeding.  To create transparency for society. Main principle Code-EFABAR is based on the following main principles: Implementation  of Code-EFABAR® is voluntary. All members of EFFAB are strongly encouraged to implement it. The provisions of Code-EFABAR®  are equal to or higher than current national or EU legislation. However, use of the Code does not replace these. Code-EFABAR® may be implemented via  existing management practices.  Code- EFABAR® is designed to be complementary to other existing Good Practice initiatives . Code-EFABAR® will be evaluated for updating by EFFAB every three years. EFFAB encourages organisations to implement the Code by providing training and practical advice. Information about Code-EFABAR® is publically  available at the Code-EFABAR website.
