Kibun Trading, Inc.

Sumitomo Fudosan Takeshiba Bldg. 3F, 2-1-7 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, , Japan
Tel: +81 (3) 6891 5171
Fax: +81 (3) 6891 3498


Serving customers with independently established sales and procurement channels both in and outside Japan in the food and food related sector. We supply products which our staffs directly "look", "touch" and "inspect" in producing area. Pollack, Atka Mackerel (from Alaska and Hokkaido), Southern Blue Whiting and Hoki (from New Zealand and Argentina), Itoyori, Kintoki, Guchi, Eso (from Thailand, India and Vietnam) and Shark(from Kesennuma) U.S.A.DAP manufactory boat SURIMI : ASC U.S.A.DAP land factory SURIMI: UniSea and Trident Southeast Asia: PAM, PFP, APITOON, HINDUSTAN and NAIK Hokkaido, Japan: YAMAICHI SUISAN and SASAYA SYOTEN We are handling Squid, Mackerel, Sardine, Horsemackerel and etc from world ocean. 
