Caviar Per Sé S.L. - Caviar Pirinea, S. L

Carretera de Javier Km 1 Yesa , Spain
Tel: +34 900 101 516



The foundation of Caviar Per Sé dates back to 1956. Today Caviar Per Sé is integrated into the group Caviar Pirinea, S. L with his three farms located in the Pyrenees produces and markets species and Siberian sturgeon Acipenser naccarii. Our farms are located in El Grado, Olivan (Huesca) and Yesa (Navarra) feed water from melting of the Pyrenees Cinca rivers Gallego and Aragon respectively, to produce a high-quality caviar made in Spain. The group comes from the union of two experts in aquaculture, and Laurent Arnault, who put their knowledge and values to integrate Caviar Per Sé as the trading mark of our species of sturgeon.
