OGA - Ocean Grown Abalone Pty.Ltd.

PO Box 231 Augusta , Australia
Tel: +61 0417 910 023

Website: http://www.oceangrown.com.au/

Ocean Grown Abalone Pty Ltd has developed the worlds first commercial abalone ranching business in the pristine waters of Flinders Bay, Augusta Western Australia. The business model is underpinned by independently verified commercial research that shows that OGA has a very profitable business plan We purchase juvenile Greenlip Abalone at an average size of 40mm (10grams) from our business partners, 888 Abalone Pty Ltd – a land based abalone hatchery and grow-out facility in Bremer Bay. They are then placed on the artificial abalone reefs we have constructed on our leases for further grow-out to an average harvest size of 130mm (350grams). Nature takes care of the rest – nurturing and feeding the abalone until they are ready for harvest. Our divers tend the reefs protecting the abalone from predators; monitoring growth and stocking density and; planting new abalone on the reefs each year as mature abalone are harvested. The cycle takes just under 3 years. Eventually we expect to be harvesting around 100 tonnes of this premium product annually from the Flinders Bay site. Future sites around Australia have been identified for future expansion of the technology by OGA.
