Antartica Foods - Alimentos Alsan Limitada

Maipú 215 Coquimbo , Chile
Tel: +56 51 321316
Fax: +56 51 555118



Antartica Foods is owned by the Sanchez Family which has been processing seafood for more than 20 years. We develop special products for different customers and I d the market in biotechnology having a good amount of products that are aknost additive free. Chile is a very long Country and that is why we have a few Shucking Plants where they receive the raw material gently steam the product open, clean and freeze the meat and there is a Compmy owned trucking Company picking up the frozen raw materials to feed the our Canning Company that is located in the middle of Chile. Antartica Foods also res rch the globe looking to find the products (rawmaterials) that could beneticiate the market by having y r-round production, price advantage and sustainability over time and brings these frozen products to Chile where we process them with our strict HACCP Plan and export to the USA
