Austrimi Seafoods - Ambaco Pty Ltd

62-66 Cowie Street Geelong North , Australia
Tel: +61 352 721 690
Fax: +61 352 721 725



Austrimi Seafoods is a trading name of Ambaco Pty Ltd, an Australian owned and operated company based in the regional centre of Geelong, Victoria. Austrimi was originally established as a subsidiary of Japanese company Daiichi Chinmi Inc. and built a reputation for quality and innovation in seafood. Recently, Austrimi has been acquired by a group of collaborating Australian seafood businesses in the Geelong region, and now offers unique seafood processing, manufacturing and value adding capability for Australia’s seafood industry. Buying products from Austrimi Seafoods means that - you have the peace of mind that comes from products manufactured to Australia’s stringent food safety and health standards, - you are supporting local jobs and the economy of regional Australia - you are able to enjoy easy to prepare meals based on nutritious seafood
