Comfrig S.A

Rbla. 25 de Agosto s/n. Deposito 11 , Uruguay
Tel: +598 2 916 01 02/03
Fax: +598 2 916 01 02/03



Comfrig S.A on behalf of Insung Corporation is pleased to welcome you to our storage facilities located in cold storage at the Port of Montevideo, Uruguay. Excelling know about our domestic competitors have successfully acquired the complex of cold storage located meters from the ship at the pier No. 11. Located in the Port of Montevideo, our location is of vital importance and strategy and within South America. Montevideo is the current headquarters of MERCOSUR, which gives us a significant cost reduction and a significant increase in response time for our customers. We have a storage capacity of 26,000 m³, and up to 9000 tons, with cameras up to six temperature controlled, allowing variations of +15 º C to -30 º C. The fact that we have such a large complex storage alone does not imply that we dedicate ourselves to working with large and small shipments are also welcome.
