JSI - Jozef Stefan Institute

Jamova cesta 39 Ljubljana , Slovenia
Tel: +386 1 477 39
Fax: +386 1 251 93 85

Email: info@ijs.si

Website: https://www.ijs.si

Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading research institution for the natural sciences in Slovenia with over 900 researchers within 25 departments working in the areas of computer science, physics, and chemistry and biology. The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, with approximately 40 researchers, is one of the largest European research groups working in the areas of machine learning, data mining, language technologies, semantic technologies and sensor networks. The key research direction is combining modern statistical data analytic techniques with more semantic/logic based knowledge representations and reasoning techniques with the purpose to make progress in solving complex problems such as text understanding, large scale probabilistic reasoning, building broad coverage knowledge bases, and dealing with scale. The members have developed several software tools for multimodal data analysis, among others: the TextGarden suite of text mining tools, the OntoGen system for ontology learning, the DocumentAtlas for complex visualization, the AnswerArt system for semantic search over large textual databases, the Enrycher system for the semantic enrichment of textual data, the SearchPoint system for visual and contextualized Web browsing, XLing for cross-lingual matching and categorization across 100 languages, and EventRegistry for global real-time media observatory.
