Tech Corporation Co., Ltd.

9F Kureshin Building, 2-6 Mikawa-cho, Naka-ku Hiroshima , Japan
Tel: +81 (82)247-1100
Fax: +81 (82)247-6161



For many years, our business has been the business of the environment. And over time, my focus for Tech Corporation has come down to one question: Is what we do truly helping people? Helping people should be the foundation of every business. It's the kind of business that makes it worthwhile for everyone involved. What could be more important? We face tough times and an uncertain future, but now is exactly the time we need to think about what comes next. Looking toward the future is our job. We are focused 30 years down the road, thinking about how we can help create a world in which our children grow up happy and healthy. How we can live in harmony with the environment. Every day, we at Tech Corporation are working on technologies and products that address these concerns. Most of the products we make are produced with an eye toward solving the types of problems that come from living our daily lives--so-called small solutions. This is our advantage as a mid-sized company. It's an advantage that helps us provide outstanding customer service to our customers service to our customers all over Japan.
