Almex B.V.

Verlengde Ooyerhoekseweg 29 Zutphen , Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)575 57 26 66
Fax: +31 (0)575 57 27 27



Almex specialises in single screw extrusion equipment, from the extrusion unit to complete installations. Almex extruders and Contivar Expanders are in use worldwide at fishfeed-, oil extraction-, petfood-, animalfeed plants, the foodindustry and the processing and chemical industries. Almex started early 1970’s with repair and installation of extruders. For use in Europe these units needed much modifications, so we decided to design and built in the Netherlands a complete range of extruders for 500 to 15.000 kg/hour capacity. These extruders did find their way to clients worldwide. Today the largest extruder has a diameter of 400 mm, a barrel length of 4800 mm and a drive of 500 kW. The same quality extruder parts are used to manufacture Contivar™ Expanders for the feed industry, as a popular machine to improve feed quality.
