ANZCVS - The Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists

Building 3, Garden City Office Park 2404 Logan Road Eight Mile Plains , Australia
Tel: +61 7 3423 2016
Fax: +61 7 3423 2977




The Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) seeks to serve the veterinary profession and reward excellence.  College Membership signifies that a veterinarian has expertise and competence in a nominated subject area. To become a member of the College a candidate must have at least four years post-graduate experience as a veterinarian and have successfully completed both written and oral/practical examinations in one of the diverse range of subjects on offer. College Fellowship is associated with scholarly and technical excellence in a particular subject. Standards required for training and examination in Fellowship subjects meet or exceed the prerequisites for registration as a Veterinary Specialist in Australia and/or New Zealand. 
